Well fret no more, not that you have been. I’m collaborating with Ministry Tech Magazine and they are publishing my writings. Ministry Tech Magazine, formerly Christian Computing Magazine, launched today with their new branding and I’m honored to have an article on Windows 10 as their cover story. Check them out.
I will still do my best to post here on the blog. I’m sure I can find something to rant about that wouldn’t be appropriate for the magazine but for now if you are looking for tech stuff be sure to visit their site. They publish monthly and their articles can be read online or you can read the magazine electronically online or download a PDF.

Be sure to send my friends at Ministry Tech Magazine some web traffic love! See you there!
Windows 10 for Churches and Ministries
Microsoft has announced to the world that Windows 10 will be
ready on July 29, 2015. For many this is
great news as the previous version of Windows leaves a lot to be desired. In addition, Microsoft is looking to finally
put XP to bed and entice Windows 7 users who skipped Windows 8 to upgrade. Many ministries and non-profits are probably
wondering if it is worth the effort to upgrade.
Will the work and effort be worth the benefits? What about productivity loss due to staff and
volunteers learning the new operating system?
I think the benefits will be worth the effort and that it will be less
painful than you may think.
Windows 10 is a huge paradigm shift for Microsoft and for
the Windows user base. The first big
shift is that this will be the final version of Windows. There won’t be a Windows 11, 12, or 29. Why Windows 10? No one really knows for sure. Perhaps it is because like Star Trek movies only ever other one can
be good. Star Trek: The Motion Picture < Star Trek: The Wrath of Kahn.
Some say it is because 10 is a nice round number and skipping 9 implies
it will be the final version. Others say
that the Windows code base refers to Window 9* too much therefore skipping
Windows 9 makes coding easier. Another
idea, and my favorite, is that seven eight nine. That’s seven ate nine.
Despite all the speculation as to why Windows 10 is called
Windows 10 the message is clear, no more versions after this. Perhaps Microsoft will gradually drop the
“10” and we will just be left with Windows.
The reason this is the final version is that there will be no more
waiting for features to be released at each Windows version. Instead, new features and changes will be
released regularly alongside the current mechanism for security updates and
Releasing features on an ongoing basis will allow Windows 10
to update faster and stay current with the needs of its users. Users will be able to decide when new
features are applied to Windows and organizations will have control over
features rolling out to their end users.
The second big shift for Microsoft are the interface changes
coming to Windows 10. Windows 8 had a
lot of common functionality removed. Many
keyboard and mouse users felt forgotten.
Microsoft said no one used the Start Menu so it was removed. Fortunately, they have changed course and the
Start Menu along with a host of other new features are coming in Windows
10. For some they can’t come soon
enough. Here are some highlights of the
changes coming.
Not only is the Start Menu coming back but also the Start
Screen isn’t being totally abandoned.
The Start Screen is what comes up when pressing the Windows button in
Windows 8 and 8.1. The Start Screen
contains Start Screen apps and Live Tiles.
I find Live Tiles to be very useful for gathering a lot of information
at a glance. In Windows 10, the Live
Tiles from the Start Screen will be merged with the Start Menu providing the
functionality of both in a single location.
Start Screen apps will now run as native Windows apps as opposed to
running in a separate, often confusing window.
The Start Menu coming back will make the upgrade process much less
painful for users currently running Windows7 and will make users running
Windows 8/8.1 rejoice.
Windows 10 also includes a more flat graphical design. Many of the drop shadows that were removed in
Windows 8 are back making it much easier to tell which window is the active or
selected window. Of course, many
commonly used icons have also been updated.
Sometimes these graphical changes can cause user trepidation. I find it helpful to remind users that Recycle
Bin is still the Recycle Bin even if the icon looks different. It’s like driving a car, if you can drive
one, you can probably drive most of them even if some of the controls are in
different places.
In addition to the graphics being flatter, the sounds have
also been updated to be softer and more soothing.
Another new feature to Windows 10 is virtual desktops. Virtual desktops have been around a long time
in other operating systems but are new to the Windows world. Virtual desktops allow you to have multiple
versions of your desktop running. In
Windows now, you may have 40 different windows open but they are all filling up
the task bar making it crowded and difficult to find things. With virtual desktops, you can divide them
up. One desktop might have a picture of
your family along with your email open, a Word document and an Excel spreadsheet. Another desktop might have a picture of your
favorite movie and have 3 of your favorite games running. Not only can this be used to separate work
from pleasure but also to better organize your applications based on the task
you have at hand.
Windows 10 also comes with a brand new internet
browser. Internet Explorer is dead. While it can still be installed and used,
especially for legacy applications, the new browser is called Microsoft Edge
and it comes installed by default. Edge
does what the name implies; it is there to be an unobtrusive edge around the
internet content. It is clear that
Microsoft is playing catch up here but Edge does run very fast and could easily
become my new default browser of choice.
Cortana is also coming to Windows 10. If you play Halo then you know who Cortana is.
If you don’t play Halo, Cortana is a built in virtual assistant for
Windows 10. She is similar to Apple’s
Siri or Google’s Now except that Cortana is more contextually aware. The more access to your personal information
you give her the more she can help you plan.
The question is how much access will you give her so she can help you out. It is great that she can remind you to get
your wife a birthday present and help you leave early to avoid traffic but that
means she has to have access to your calendar.
Some may not be comfortable with that.
Cortana can also help you use your computer hands-free. She can take dictation, and even help you
change computer settings. Of course, if
you want, she can be turned off.
Microsoft has told us that Windows 10 will be free to “most
users”. This is rather complicated as
while “most users” include those who purchased hardware and activated the
version of Windows that came with the hardware it does not necessarily include
business or enterprise users. If you
have questions ask your Microsoft licensing representative, but don’t’ wait too
long as come July 29 lots of business and enterprises will be flooding
Microsoft with questions.
If you’d like to start experimenting with Windows 10, you
can download a copy now at http://preview.windows.com. By running the preview, you can provide
Microsoft with feedback as to what you like and don’t like about the operating
system. This feedback will help with the
continual development of Windows 10.
Remember, Windows 10 isn’t going to be released and then forgotten. Once released Windows 10 will continue to evolve.
I’m excited about Windows 10. Microsoft seems to have gotten this one right
and as end users, we stand to gain a lot.